A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Svetlana Meritt

Svetlana Meritt is a modern-day pilgrim. Twelve years ago, she left her career as a journalist, and with her late husband and mentor, Dwight Johnson, embarked on a journey of self-discovery through the continents of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

During her career as an American correspondent for a high-profile Serbian magazine – Illustrated Politics – Svetlana interviewed the Dalai Lama, Lawrence Eagleburger, Jon Voight, Laura Huxley, Yoko Ono, and Allan Ginsberg. On assignment to cover the Academy Awards, she interviewed Kevin Costner, Sophia Loren, and Giorgio Armani. She also wrote extensively about American life and society, and frequently published travel articles. She was the recipient of the Talented Young Journalist award in her native Belgrade. Svetlana has written one novel in English, Legacy of the Future (2002).

In addition to being a journalist, Svetlana is also professional photographer. Her photographs have accompanied her written articles and appeared in group and solo exhibitions in Belgrade and Santa Barbara.

Svetlana currently lives in Santa Barbara, California, and teaches at Santa Barbara City College and at the University of California at Santa Barbara.

Source: Official Web-Site



People Directory

Luka Erceg

Luka Erceg, JD, LLM, MBA, CIRA

Luka Erceg is a Canadian-born, American entrepreneur who has focused on sustainable/clean tech ventures. He holds a Juris Doctorate (J.D.), Master of Laws (LL.M.), Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), and Bachelor of Marketing (B.Com.). He is a Certified Turnaround Professional (C.T.P) through the Turnaround Management Association (T.M.A.), a Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor (C.I.R.A.) through the Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors (A.I.R.A.) and holds the Series 65 license from the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA).

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The Hagia Sophia

The Mystical Light of the Great Church and its Architectural Dress

by Charalambos P. Stathakis

Dear reader, as you run like the rest of us along the dizzy main road, stop, stay aside for a while. Let the others be dizzy, and take the secret underground trail, which will lead you through the dewdrops of the leaves, the crystal smile of the sun, the city’s underground galler- ies, your knowledge, and your feelings, to the doorstep of the Hagia Sophia. Because all dew- drops, all sunrays, and all beauty lead there. That is what you will be told by my friend, the author, whom I am fond of and whom I send you to, Charalambos Stathakis: the doctor, the warm and humane researcher, the scientist devoted to his work and his patients, who has given a series of scientific papers, who, nevertheless, retains a nest of beauty untouched in his heart, which makes him outstanding—even though he is not a specialist in architecture, nor a historian, nor a theologian, nor a Byzantinist—it makes him stand out in all these together and in entirety.

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