A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Konstantin Fotić

Konstantin D. Fotić (Šabac, 1891 - Vašington, 1959) školovao se u Šapcu, a zatim završio prava u Bordou. U Balkanskim patovima služio je kao konjički oficir, a tokom I svetskog rata kao oficir za vezu sa Francuskom vojnom komandom na Solunskom frontu; 1915. postavljen je u Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Kraljevine Srbije i sa Nikolom Pašićem učestvovao na mirovnim pregovorima u Parizu.

Kao diplomata je službovao je Bernu, Londonu, Parizu, Stokholmu, Beču itd., a obavljao je i razne dužnosti u ministarstvu spoljnih poslova Kraljevine SHS/Jugoslavije (šef Odeljenja za Ligu naroda, direktor Političkog odeljenja, pomoćnik ministra spoljnih poslova). Kao stalni delegat Jugoslavije pri Društvu naroda, učestvovao je na skoro svim međunarodnim konferencijama od 1926. do 1935. Smišljene intervencije i kontruktivni predlozi doneli su Fotiću veliki ugled među kolegama; često je bio pozivan da ravnopravno sa delegatima velikih sila učestvuje u najvažnijim sastancima vodećih evropskih državnika. Za poslanika u Vašingtonu postavljen je 1935. Kad je 1942. poslanstvo podignuto na rang ambasade, Fotić je postao prvi ambasador Jugoslavije u SAD.

Sahranjen je na groblju manastira Svetog Save u Libertivilu, Ilinois.



People Directory

James Scully

James Scully is the author of 10 books of poetry, including Donatello’s Version (Curbstone Press/Northwestern University Press, 2007), four book-length translations, the seminal essay collection Line Break: Poetry as Social Practice (Curbstone Press/ Northwestern University Press, 1988/2005), and Vagabond Flags: Serbia & Kosovo: Journal, Scrapbook & Notes (Azul Editions, 2009). The founding editor of Art on the Line series (Curbstone Press, 1981-1986), he has been a key figure in the movement to radicalize the theory and practice of American poetry—in how it is lived as well as in how it is written.

Born in 1937 in New Haven, CT, Scully lives in Vermont with his wife, Arlene. They’ve been married since 1960 and have a son, John, and a daughter, Deirdre. His awards include a National Defense Fellowship 1959-1962; an Ingram Merrill Foundation Fellowship (Rome, Italy 1962-63); the Lamont Poetry Award 1967 for The Marches; the Jenny Taine Memorial Award 1971 for translation; a Guggenheim Fellowship (Santiago, Chile 1973-74); National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships 1976-77 and 1990; the Islands & Continents Translation Award 1980; and the Bookbuilders of Boston Award 1983 for book cover design.

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History, Truth, Holiness

by Bishop Maxim Vasiljevic

Bishop Maxim’s first book, described by Fr. John Breck as an “exceptionally important collection of essays” contributing to both the theology of being and also contemporary theological questions, is now available! Christos Yannaras describes Bishop Maxim as “a theologian who illumines” and Fr. John McGuckin identifies his work as “deeply biblical and patristic, academically learned yet spiritually rich.” The first half of the book collects papers emphasizing theological ontology and epistemology, reminding us how both the mystery of the Holy Trinity and that of the Incarnation demand that we rethink every philosophical supposition; it includes chapters on holiness as otherness, truth and history, and the biochemistry of freedom. The second half of the book features lectures dedicated to the theological questions posed by modern theology, including studies of Orthodox and Roman Catholic ecclesiology, liturgics, and the theology of icons.