A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Deputy Secretary John J. Sullivan
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520

March 27, 2018

Dear Deputy Secretary Sullivan:

We, the bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Dioceses in the United States, are writing to express our grave concern over yesterday’s assault by the Kosovo Police on Marko Djuric, Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, as well as journalists and unarmed citizens. Our concern is particularly heightened noting that this brutality seems to be an integral part of an orchestrated campaign against Kosovo's Serbian population, coming in the wake of the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic.

In a provocative show of force, the police force stormed a meeting between citizens and government officials fully-armed and with shock bombs. Over 34 people were seriously injured requiring hospitalization, while Marko Djuric was unlawfully arrested, beaten, and paraded through Pristina before jeering crowds.

Yesterday’s events demonstrate once again that the Kosovo Albanian authorities are unwilling to assure the minimum of basic civic and human rights, including the right to peacefully assemble, to the Serbian population living in its own land. Moreover, these actions show a wanton disregard for the obligations Pristina has itself undertaken to implement essential human and civil rights standards as part of its Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU, in addition to contravening the letter and spirit of the Brussels dialogue.

We call on you, Mr. Deputy Secretary, to show that the United States remains committed to protecting the most fundamental rights and basic human dignity of the Kosovo Serbian population by condemning yesterday’s police brutality in Kosovska Mitrovica, and by making clear to the authorities in Pristina that the United States will never condone beatings of peaceful citizens, journalists, and public officials.

Respectfully yours,

Rt. Rev. Bishop Maxim
Rt. Rev. Bishop Longin
Rt. Rev. Bishop Irinej



People Directory

Marta Milosevic-Brankovic

Marta Milosevic-Brankovic was born in Belgrade, Serbia. She has captured the attention of audience and critics alike since her concerto debut at Ganz Rudolph Hall in Chicago in 2005 where one of the most famous pianists alive, Abbey Simon (Professor at the Juilliard School) personally attended the concert and highly acclaimed her performance of Bach and Chopin. At the age of six Marta took her first piano lesson and already a year later she played her first public concert. She was 21 when she graduated at the Music Art Academy in Belgrade as the youngest student with the highest GPA in the generation. She received her early musical training in class of Russian Professor Jakuthon Mlhailovich, a graduate from the Moscow Conservatory. At the same time she has also completed Media studies at the University of Art in Belgrade. During her studies, she worked with eminent artists from her country and auended a number of piano master courses of the following Professors: Sijavus Gadzijev (Moscow). Tamara Stefanovic (Koeln). Dr. David Abot (Zurich-New York), Dr. Tatjana Rankovich (New York), Dr. Omitry Rachmanov (Chicago-New York) and many others.

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The Meaning of Reality

Essays on Existence and Communion, Eros and History

by Christos Yannaras

The collection of articles traces the thought of Christos Yanaras through his long journey in discovering the meaning of existence, communion, eros, and history. It is a cause of immense joy that no fewer than twenty articles of passionate significance and substance have at present been gathered together in this volume under the title The Meaning of Reality.

Yannaras is undoubtedly one of the most significant thinkers of our time. Kallistos Ware once described him as "the most creative and prophetic religious thinker at work in Greece today," while Rowan Williams characterizes him as "one of the most significant Christian philosophers in Europe." His very wide and no less deep education helps him to develop an inimitable blend of philosophy, theology, and social criticism, and to speak in an original way about the traditional and contemporary issues of human existence, as well as the latest challenges of modern empirical science and political engagement. A detailed knowledge of the writings of the Holy Fathers has always been his foundation amidst the labyrinth of modern thought - which is inimately bound up with psychoanalysis, environmental issues, human rights, postmodernism, and pluralism , to mention just a few. Insistence on the primacy, uniqueness, and eternal value of human personality prevails in almost all his works and inspires his own vigorous theological and ecumenical engagement, based on the Orthodox eucharistic and ascetic tradition.